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Tangible Summer Needs

Updated: Jan 30, 2021

Update 1-30-21: Friends! We are soooo excited to share a little update!!! We have had so many people cheerfully give to these needs—in the last four days $1,150 has been donated, praise the Lord!!! We whole-heartedly believe that 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (NIV) is Truth:

...whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Thank you (and we are thanking God!) for new and existing donors who have chosen to cheerfully give to these projects! May God exponentially bless you!


So many generous people have been incredibly supportive over the last year. Many of you are aware that we have really not had many opportunities to serve guests as Covid rages on, but yet - here we are. God has sustained us month by month. We haven’t had to shut down, and we are working hard towards Summer 2021 with many groups and camps on our calendar. If the Lord is willing, we will rejoice that day our Summer Staff arrives and we see a light at the end of this pandemic tunnel.

That being said, we are still a long way off from being ready for our campers. There is much to be done, and, as is often the case, each of those “to do’s” comes with a price tag.

We wanted to lay these tangible needs out in a clear, simple way and just ask: are you feeling a nudge to help in any of the following areas? We have tried to put them in order of need, and have focused on items that will set us up for the highest level of success for Summer 2021. These are not our high-hopes wishes, these are our real, have-to-have needs in the very near future for safety and to meet the expectations of our guests.

If you feel so led to contribute to any of these, shoot us an email at to let us know your gift is coming (by mail or online here) and let us know what project you would like your donation to specifically go to. We take that very seriously and will make sure to honor the intent of your gift. If you can only contribute a portion, please don’t let that deter you! Every penny helps, and every gift is a seed sown for God’s Kingdom.


Campfire Lighting | $400 (High Need) Completely funded! Praise the Lord!!

We have had lightning strike the tree our campfire lighting was wired on - the wiring and all lighting elements need to be replaced to increase safety and visibility.

Center Area Lighting | $800 $200 (High Need)

We need to replace the light fixtures (from high pressure sodium fixtures that are burnt out and very low efficiency to LED) in the center area. This is a very important safety measure and will also help the camp save money long term.

Camp Store Supplies | $50-5,000 (High Need)

The items in the camp store (including vending items and our clothing and other branded items) provide convenience for our guests and an additional income source. This would be a great way to double the impact of your gift to Waukaway!

Summer Staff Uniforms and Equipment | $2,000 (High Need)

This would include daily shirts, lifeguarding uniforms (swimsuits, trunks, tank tops, and whistles), resuscitation masks, and radio equipment.

Great Kids Camp Shirts | $750$600 (High Need)

Giving to this project would provide one shirt for each child that comes to our scholarship-based Great Kids Camp.

Waterfront Repairs | $15,000 (Medium Need)

The boardwalk at the waterfront needs repairs, and ideally, replaced.

Cleaning Equipment and Supplies | $15-500 (Medium Need)

Including, but not limited to: brooms, sanitizer, paper towels, spray bottles, and gloves.

PPP For Staff | $25-$600 (Medium Need)

Donating to this area would primarily provide masks and gloves for the staff to use when in close contact with guests.

Grounds Maintenance Equipment and Supplies | $30-500 (Medium Need)

We are always working to manage our property so it is safe and relaxing for our guests. Providing a contribution in this area would help us purchase pest control products (wasp spray and fire ant killer in particular), as well as parts and equipment for chainsaws, blowers, mowers, etc.

Activity supplies/equipment | $50-1,000 (Low Need)

We need to restock and revive our paintball markers, bows for archery, and replace aged slingshot components.


We eagerly anticipate celebrating the fulfillment of our needs with you, God bless your giving!

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